Charles Goodrich
Charles Goodrich was born into a family of investment bankers. He was raised in New York City. It was assumed that he would join the family business when he grew up. His life was already planned for him. His good looks and life of ease bred a lack of ambition and drive, however he was very good at spending his abundant leisure time. His family often vacationed at their summer home in Merryweather. They loved water sports and docked a large yacht there. Charles and Harriet’s brother, Dirk, became friends one summer, meeting at the docks. Charles invited Dirk to go sailing, and they became fast friends. For many summers in their late teenage and college years, Charles and Dirk would hang out whenever Charles would be in Merryweather. Harriet would often pal around with them, spending afternoons on the boat. The Goodriches were much wealthier than the Kaufmans but Harriet’s and Dirk’s good breeding and social status in the local community made it acceptable for them to socialize with the Goodriches.
(Character sketches created by the composer. All people and places are fictional.)