Harriet and Charles
Although six years older than Harriet, Charles began noticing her about the time she turned sixteen. He began specifically inviting Harriet to join he and Dirk on afternoon outings. She didn’t notice his interest at the time, preferring the sailing adventure more than being with her brother and “his friend.” Harriet and Charles began dating when she began college. Charles was already out of college and working in the family business, but he had the time and means to visit her often. She rather liked dating an older, handsome man, being taken out for extravagant meals, and given lots of presents, while many of her college friends were dating much poorer frat boys. Charles waited for Harriet to finish college before proposing marriage. She was an acquisition in his already predetermined life. She fit in his family well. She was his match in physical appearance. It made sense for him to marry her. Harriet was twenty-three years old when they married, and Charles age twenty-nine. Harriet and Charles were unable to have children. Not being particularly communicative in their relationship, Harriet and Charles each felt more disappointment about this issue than was spoken.
(Character sketches created by the composer. All people and places are fictional.)